Thursday, November 19, 2020

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Repair Center

Electronic gadgets have a limited life and get damaged shortly. If you own a Lenovo laptop and need maintenance, then always look for a renowned repair center to get the problem fixed with ease. Regardless of reputation, there are several other things that you need to consider when choosing a Lenovo service in Navi Mumbai.

1. Transparency with the customer- A broken laptop could be a stressful situation for the people who do their job work on a laptop. Being a smart customer, the person should ask about how much time it will take to get repaired? The staff should be transparent in telling the accurate time so that the customer can wait till the time. Though it is difficult to remain untouched with their laptop for a few days, the customer should wait for the said time. Transparency can make their relation strong and further the customer can recommend their service to their dear ones.

2. Reliable data- When choosing a repair center, make sure they know what problem has occurred and how it can be fixed rightly. For example- If you trouble starting your laptop and worried about how your data can be stored safely, then it would be effective to choose the best technical staff that can solve a problem without affecting your data. Also, the pro tip is to always do regular backups of your data on your laptop to protect it from getting affected.

3. Know your repair cost- You can ask for repair cost from the repair center before getting fooled. That means every service center has a different repair cost. It is advisable to look for the best quality service at a reasonable price. It will minimize the chances of getting overpriced.

4Location of service center- When any fault in a Lenovo laptop arises, you have to find the nearby location of the service center that could quickly repair your laptop on time. It is better to choose the nearby location of the service center instead of visiting the other places where you need to travel all the time when the issue arises. Some renowned service center operates in different locations and thus, you can avail of their service nearby your house.

5. Not all laptop repairs are the same- It is rightly said that all laptop repairs handle the problem differently. For example- If a customer is facing a problem with their motherboard some repair staff would suggest you replace the motherboard with a new motherboard while some will take the time out and diagnose the problem and suggest you repair the damaged component. Thus, it is always advisable to look for a reliable service center that provides the best quality and genuine service to the customers.

To conclude-

When choosing a repair center the above-mentioned points should give due importance. In short, electronic gadgets get damaged in a short period but it is vital to look for a renowned Lenovo service center in Navi Mumbai with technical staff, offer a warranty, and maintain transparency with the customer.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Choose Between Authorized And Local Service Centers For Your Laptop?


The dependency on laptops is more now than ever and as the number of devices is increasing the number of service centers is also increasing. So if you are facing some issue with your device, then your first step would be to look for the best service center for your laptop because let’s face it, we cannot live without these now and all our work depends on it.

Now the question that will pop into your head is whether to go for a dell service center in Navi Mumbai which is authorized or is it fine to work with the local shop for laptop repair in your locality. Well, then the answer is pretty simple. Go for the authorized service center. But if you need more points to look for this and see what benefits you will be getting when you are going to choose the service center for your laptop. We will be sharing those points here which can make sure that you will always look for an authorized dell service center in Navi Mumbai.

Professional hands

The amount of work the brand puts in the authorized service center is much because they value customer satisfaction and a chance to have a good brand value. So, when you are working with the authorized center, you will get the set of a professional team working for you, and your laptop will be in good hands. They know their crafty work and very much aware of the processes to be followed Professional for the better service to the customer.

Better tools

As much as the hands that are treating your laptop is important, the tools which are being used to operate on your laptop matter a lot as well. When your laptop is in an authorized service center, the laptop is being looked into scientifically and all the best tools come into the picture. The tools will do their best job with the best-trained hands from the brand. And this makes sure that the skilled hands are working fine on your laptop.

Into the warranty

If your device is still in warranty, then going to any other place seems irrelevant. You can get your laptop fixed for almost free if it is under the warranty period. This will make sure that there is no deep hole in your pocket, and you get the best of the services for your laptop. There is no confusion in going to an authorized service center ad they offer the best service and with no extra charges.

With the trusting name and authorized service center for your laptop, you can make sure that the work done to get your laptop repaired is done in the right way and you do not have to come back to the place again and again.

So now that the things mentioned above make all the sense on why to choose the authorized service center for your laptop, you will be able to make your mind and choose what is best for your laptop and it's smooth running.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Restoring The Dead Laptop Battery


The battery of a laptop is an expensive one to purchase. If you have an old laptop you could make use of the old battery. There are numerous ways by which you can fix up the dying batteries of laptops. A MacBook certified service center in Navi Mumbai might be of considerable help in such cases. But take stock of the numerous freezing methods by which you can restore the functioning of a laptop.

The freezing method of a laptop

It works out to be a unique method so as to ensure the optimum condition of the battery. If you freeze the battery you can ensure that it lasts for a long period of time. In fact there are a series of steps that you can plan at this juncture.

  • Ensure that the placement of the battery is in a plastic bag
  • Then place the plastic bag in a freezer and keep it for 12 hours. Some might advise to be placing it for a longer period of time as it might work out to be dangerous.
  • After a certain point of time remove the battery from the freezer and allow it to become warm till it embarks upon at the room temperature. Make it a point that you clean the battery with a  cloth to remove condensation in terms of warm—up
  • Then keep the laptop battery and ensure that their charge is complete
  • The moment it is charged unplug the power and allow the battery to drench it out

Do confirm with the fact that the last two steps have to be followed a couple of times. You have to charge it and then discharge it immediately. Such an action is performed  when it is NIMH batteries. If you adopt such a stance on lithium battery trust me the battery is going to become worse and no method exists on how to restore a lithium battery.

Laptop battery and their recalibration

As per the inputs of MacBook repair center in Navi Mumbai it is a common scenario when it is the case of old batteries. Sometimes the operating system is not able to figure out the kind of capacity that is left in the battery. It is going to be the case when the battery is plugged in or the discharge takes place in a rampant manner.

Finally it all boils down to the manner on how we end up managing the battery of a device. But in no way you should be doing to when the battery is about to decay quickly. If you take care of your battery from the beginning it is going to ensure a long life for the same. Even once you take all possible measures at the end there would be a situation where the battery would not be up to the mark. After all it works out to be a mere machine as if you handle it in a proper way it can ensure a long way to deal with the laptop.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Asus Laptops Common Problems


Asus is one of the most loved and respected laptop brands in the world. Since none of the electronic gadgets is made to absolute immune from the technical faults of errors, periodic problems with Asus laptops are either improbable or strange. But, whatever it is, any of the problems with the performance or appearance of laptops is more than enough to make the users frustrated. There are issues faced by Asus users, including the experienced ones. Some of the issues can be solved by users with do-to-yourself methods when others need professional repair and replacement services. Here are some of the common problems of Asus laptops.


Start up problems 

This is one of the common problems faced by most of the laptop brands. The laptop fails to start up, and one of the main symptoms of this problem is that system may not boot, and the screen stays as it is without showing anything on it. The possible cause for this problem includes certain software glitches or issues, drive issues, hardware problems, or even the PC settings. Users can disconnect the system, check the battery and charge it, hard reboot the device, use an external monitor, and check and repair windows installation. If the problem still exists, then it is better to consult the most trusted ASUS service center in Navi Mumbai


No Display problem 

When the laptop is switched on, just the power indicator blinks, and nothing else happens. No images or not even the display come on the screen. Check all the connections to the motherboard and make sure that nothing is in loose contact. Check if there is a backlight problem with the screen. It can also be because of the problems with drivers or graphic components. An Asus repairing expert in Navi Mumbai can help in solving the problems if you fail in your efforts. 


Laptop Hang Problems 

Some laptops have poor performance with some versions of the operating system. Unsupported or outdated operating systems can sometimes cause Asus laptop with hang problems. But if the problems occur even with the decent configuration of the laptop, then it is the time to give a serious thought. It may be because of overheat, poor hard drive or graphic hardware, interrupted power supply, weak battery, or glitch bug in any of the applications. If the problem goes beyond the control, then it is the time to get professional Asus repair supports and services in Mumbai.


Other Problems 

Other common Asus laptop problems include Battery problem, Color problem, Resolution problem, LCD problem, Heating problem, Hard drive problem, Sound card problem, Internet connection problem, Login problems, Windows 10 problems, and other issues. Whatever are the issues, it can be solved by necessary repairs and replacements for a fraction of the cost of buying a new one. If you are not aware of solving the issues, get the professional support and service from asus authorized service center in Navi Mumbai


N.S.S is one of the authorized service centers for Asus laptop repair services and services are provided at almost all parts of Mumbai at affordable rates.


Acer Laptops Common Problems


There are several laptop brands in the market, and not all are made the same. To be frank, none of the brands provides a 100% perfect laptop even though some brands would disagree with this statement. Each brand has its own deficiencies, problems, or drawbacks resulting from its configuration, parts, and assembly methods. Apart from that, electronic gadgets do not come with complete protection from technical faults and errors. Acer laptop only is not an exception to these problems. Here are some of the common issues related to the use of Acer laptops.


Stretched Images 

A good number of Acer users reported that the pictures seem to be stretched or appear as extended in the widescreen. This is not an issue with the hardware, and it is just a configuration problem. The main cause of this problem is the incorrect display configuration of using the wrong graphic driver. The problems can be fixed by getting the latest graphic driver. If the problems continue even after the effort from your end, get professional service from the most trusted acer service center in Navi Mumbai


Motherboard Failure 

If the Acer laptop fails to turn on and the battery is active, it is because of the failing motherboard. This is one of the common problems reported by Acer laptop users, and it demands professional laptop repair services if the warranty is expired. Before that make sure that the battery is charged and can keep the charge. There is no need to pay a reasonable amount for the laptop repair when it is all about the requirement of a new battery. 


Black Screen 

The Acer laptop users report a few cases for getting dark screens. It may be because of the backdrop illumination or any infection. When it is the case of a black screen that makes it impossible to view anything else on the screen, it is better to get professional Acer repair services than making a self-experiment. An exclusive team of Acer experts will diagnose the problem and solve it with the right repairs and replacement to bring real-life and brightness on the screens.


HDD Issues 

Some Acer laptops are said to come with hard disk drives that fail to find the disc. This is the issue with HDD (Hard Disk Drive), and some call this issue as 'the click of death'. This issue is also common with some of the latest models with the drive making several clicking sounds due to inefficiency in keeping the correct speed with the disc. The best solution for this problem is to replace the HDD. 


USB Port Failure 

Sometimes USB ports of Acer laptops show problems and fail to work. These problems can be solved by reinstalling the drivers. But, if this doesn't work, it is better to take the Acer laptop to the acer authorized service center in Navi Mumbai.


N.S.S Laptop Service Centre is the reputed Acer laptop repair and service center in Navi Mumbai to provide doorstep service at affordable rates with free pickup and delivery.

Repair Centers Assist In The Prolonged Life Of Electronic Gadgets

With the constantly evolving world, technology has also been evolving with innovations. To support business and keep pace with the competitive world, there are several technologies and gadgets out in the world. In that way, MacBook has several products being released. Their products range from the display, laptops, gaming, phones, networking, peripherals, work stations, graphics card, motherboards, etc. Apart from products they also have numerous repair centers across the country for the welfare of the customers.

Repair centers importance

The electronic products and gadgets from the Apple brand are of enhanced quality and need to be repaired by experienced professionals. In that manner, the MacBook repair center in Navi Mumbai works towards satisfying customer queries, enhanced customer satisfaction, reduced cost and works on time, etc. They make sure that the customers are satisfied and happy with their repairs.

MacBook repair centers in Navi Mumbai are scattered all through the city. Repair centers are important for any business for several reasons.

• A positive reputation is developed: With good repair centers across the city, the customers feel comfortable for servicing their products. Such convenient repair centers solve customer issues within a fixed time and develop a positive reputation with customers. A good organizational reputation is important for any business to reach profits.

 Customer retention: When any product faces issues in operation, the customers get in touch with the nearest repair centers instantly. They have trained professionals for handling any MacBook products. They solve the MacBook repair center in Navi Mumbai customer issues quickly and make the customers happy. Since the issues are solved customers have a good impression of the organization and the product.

• Reduces overall issues and creates positive publicity: When issues arise in any product, the repair centers should take the right move and make sure that the issues are solved quickly. When done in the right way, customers would spread positive word of mouth publicity. They would recommend the brand to others as a suggestion for any purchase of a product. When any customer is unsatisfied, they spread negative comments and this would affect the company’s goodwill. Hence repair centers are the reason for positive publicity and feedback.

 Sales increase: MacBook repair center in Navi Mumbai works towards solving customer issues. When issues of products are solved within a fixed period, the customers are happy and also purchase more products from the same company as the repair centers are good. It is the role of efficient repair center executives that leads to additional sales in business. A repair center is one that works on complaints and other inquiries and hence they surely add to the business success.


Repair centers are significant and play a major role in business. With repair centers, customer loyalty is measured. Repair centers are the groups that can find out unhappy customers, solve issues, and develop a good reputation for the organization. Repair centers are also the main source that builds a good name and grabs in more customers. Best MacBook repair centers in Navi Mumbai make sure to maintain the product and operate them in case of issues.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Comprehensive Importance Of Laptop Service Centres

In today’s environment which is completely driven by technology, the laptop has become a very important component of human life because humans do a lot of activities on laptops and tablets. So, this concept very well highlights the importance of the best Apple service center in Navi Mumbai. Starting from the very basic things of booking the tickets and making online shopping purchases the individuals use a laptop every day. The best part of this concept is that it is very much handy as well as light in weight is the main reason it is highly preferable by the people.


 But sometimes there are some of the issues which can become a headache for the individual and to get rid of all these kinds of issues service centers are very much important. The significant number of service centers is also referred to as dedicated service centers in these kinds of service centers are considered to be the company authorized service centers that help to provide multiple services for a particular brand and deal with all sorts of issues related to laptops of those particular brands.


On the other hand, sometimes companies also have the option of having the contractors or third-party people to provide uninterrupted services on the behalf of the company. These kinds of contractors help to solve all the issues associated with laptops for the customer and there is no money in case the product is in warranty period but in case the party has been finished then tech support professionals will help to provide best quality services at the most reasonable prices.


 People must go with the option of availing the services of these kinds of dedicated laptop service centers so that all the issues can be solved very easily. The only thing is one must have a complete idea about where this kind of service centers are so that one can pay a visit to them. They help to provide several kinds of benefits for example the most professionalized help at the most genuine prices and the best possible quality. There are several kinds of companies which also help to provide on-site services which mean that company representative will come to the place of the individual to solve all the issues at no cost in case the product is in warranty period. The individuals are only required to place a call or generate a request on their official website or toll-free numbers so that they can avail all the benefits of these kinds of services.


 On the other hand, some of the companies also provide offsite services via authorized service centers the individuals have to visit personally to get the things repaired. For this purpose, one must always be connected to research and one must always go with the option of setting the online reviews you have a good amount of idea about the quality of work being done by those people there.


 Hence, Apple authorized service center in Navi Mumbai helps to provide the best quality services so that all the issues with the laptops are dealt and people are highly satisfied. 

Friday, July 31, 2020

Top laptop brands in India

Brand value is an important aspect for consumers. When it comes to electronic devices, brand value and performance review is the first thing people check. There are plenty of fishes in the water when it comes to laptop brands in India. Fresh buyers are indeed on lookout for best reviews of the brands they consider to buy from. Here's a little briefing based on the feedback & performance:

laptop brands

  1. Apple
Apple or Apple Inc. itself is a flag bearer of good quality products with its worldwide reputation among customers over four decades. Apple is in the business since 1976. Apple is famous & trustworthy in India because of its hardware consumer products. Apple is highly admired among the tech-savvy because of its closed operating system, wide-ranged features, smooth performance, inbuilt technology, and elegance.

  1. Dell
It's not a surprise that Dell set a standard in the world of computing. Companies are always looking for innovation that drives the success wheel, in the matter of laptop nobody does it better than Dell. Their masterstroke is the temperature controlling material they use that solves the most common laptop problem i.e. heat. Dell is one of the most trustworthy brands that keep improving their quality.

  1. Hewlett- Packard(HP)
HP or Hewlett Packard is a household name among the academic, especially students, because of its huge ranges & equally budget-friendly. HP has the biggest market in India among 150 other countries they conduct their businesses. HP offers great features along with quality inbuilt technology that gives a smooth ride. HP's other attraction point is their longtime strong foothold in the business dated back to 1939 which automatically seals a trust on the brand.

  1. Lenovo
It's an important reminder that Lenovo has the highest & best reviews in 2020. They are more praised than Apple & HP, and that signifies Lenovo's top tier performance. Lenovo has always maintained high levels of consistency in their products. Lenovo's unique character is it being heaven for gaming experience & they designed Y series particularly for the gamers.

  1. Asus
Asus takes the top spot if we're talking about design. Their designs include a combination of plastic & rubber for durability that can survive several drops. Their high-end designs deserve master level praises. Asus's gaming series laptops are most visually striking and got a surprising amount of power under their slick design.

We hope this article is informative & a bit helpful in lessening your confusion. This article is written by NSS Laptop Repair editorial team. You can reach us for any type of laptop repairing needs in India. Thanks for being here. 

Friday, July 24, 2020


It’s quite amazing to serve our clients with multi laptop service in Ghaziabad. If you are looking for Laptop Home Repair Service in Ghaziabad, while then call us. We have best technicians and quality of services. There are more than you expects with our different techniques and technology. Yes, the laptop is very essentials device nowadays even big companies are hugely dependent on it. For personal usage also it is very essentials device. But, working a long hour is not possible in one single system. Breakdown of a system is possible anytime. But, no need to worry about that the Laptop Home Repair Service in Ghaziabad has all the solutions. With different experts and engineers, the center has the best reputation in the city. 

We support all brands of laptop for repair and replacement. Brands like Toshiba, Lenovo, Acer, IBM, Asus, Samsung, Wipro, Sony, Compaq, Apple, HP, HCL, Dell, etc. Looking for home service for your laptop! Call toll-free number. All the services are reliable and affordable for your budgets. No need to worry about the services that we provide as the Laptop Home Service in Ghaziabad has its own defined strategy for its services. We also ensure our customer satisfaction with time. Delivering all the products is very important to keep the customer in our circle. 


The Laptop Home Repair Service in Ghaziabad is best in the city. But, pick any fraud center can cause you a lot! Before making any decision for your laptop we advise you to research everything. It’s quite simple to understand about different center services. There is lots of center which are frauds. Before making any decision to visit the center research all the details. Rating of the center, Reputation of the center, Feedback from customer, Reviews from their clients, Services that center providing, etc. You need to have all the details. 

If you are looking for Laptop Home Service in Ghaziabad you can visit our center in Ghaziabad. You can call toll free number or can hire our technicians from the center. Our technicians are certified by various companies and have maintained their experiences in the center. The experts who are working under this agency are also well skilled. Our team work under provision of the center and always maintained its natural skill of repair. With us, you can explore lots of services even warranty for 1 year. 


Well, the Laptop Home Service in Ghaziabad has services like Doorstep Repair services, doorstep replacement services, Pick and Drop repair services, etc. Services are reliable and affordable prices. Well, any issues like Data Recovery, System Reload, board level, screen replacement, system errors, boot problems, screen / inverter, power connector, Keyboard / keys, Hard Drive Repair, upgrades, hinge replacement, hard drive, memory, Video upgrade or Repair, Data Backup, USB Port Replacement and many more. 

Want to repair your laptop at an affordable price with 100% safety. Visit our center in Ghaziabad we have all the solutions for your laptop.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Laptop repair service in Delhi

The jet-set life we live these days, we want our devices to keep up at us with the same speed. From our work to education everything is becoming more internet-based and more computing-related. From making a project to submitting an assignment, we prefer the mobility of a laptop to do our job.

A lagging laptop will halt our busy working life in its motion. Imagine presenting a project in your class and suddenly your laptop stops working and your grades are hanging by thread. It's most probably one of the worst nightmares for a student. You are speeding through your work in your office cubicle and your deadline is 3pm and your laptop starts to lag. Faulty devices are a big liability for anyone who is so accustomed to the devices. And it's not possible to always buy a new laptop when a slight hazard appears.
But worrying won't solve any problems. Being one of the popular Laptop repair centers in IndiaNSS Laptop Service Center is providing solutions for your laptops. We are a reliable group of technical experts providing our services.
There are so many problems you can face with your laptop. Like
       System crash
       Device getting overheated
       Battery dies fast
       Keyboard not working
       The cooling fan not working
       Distorted screen
       Patches or lines on display
       Viruses or malware
       Data getting deleted
       Malfunctioning motherboards and so on

The experts in NSS Laptop Service Center are in this field for quite some time, with more than 3 years of experience. We repair laptops from every company in the market. Be it Apple, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer, NSS Laptop Service Center can repair all of them with guaranteed services.

Reasons to choose The NSS Laptop Service Center
       Verified professionals:
Every technician in this company is a professional with 3+ years of experience and a good reputation.
       Customer protection:
We take responsibility for every belonging of yours. Your laptop and your investment for repairing will be justified.
       Home delivery:
We provide home delivery services available for a few km from our workshop to lessen your troubles.
       Post-paid service:
You don't have to do any advance payment for our service. You can pay after the service.
       Online payment:
If you choose the home delivery option for your laptop repairing, again, there is no advance payment needed. You have to pay after the device is delivered to your doorstep.

For more inquiries and information please contact us through our number -